Biscuit (Olive)

I wanna be a countryhuman, but who?

For all wondering, I quit this stupid app. For genuine good. Blarix may still be present, I'm not quite sure, but I think its righteous to finally announce that I'm done with this app FOREVER. People sent me self harm pics though I was very young, and I thought it was normalized for young audiences to see this. I was mentally abused by friends even though I told them my ages, they talked about their severe depression adn how they cut and want to kill themselves, I was so fucking young. I've cried over this app multiple times, I still looked up to all those fake ass people. Please, if you are under 13, I highly recommend NOT to comment on older peoples vent posts. It is for their friends, and people who are willing to help and have a strong shield. Otherwise, they're probably a 7 year old faking their death behind the screen. I could also mention I caused horrible damage to this community myself, consisting of making heat accounts because I was exposed to explicit behavior on this app.

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