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Steam punk A.U a world where the bulidings and sky are filled with copper and muggy sunny days Its a Classical and futurisc world you live in . This world has many people who have body parts replaced with magnificent pieces of machinery also many wealthy people live here but...sadly there is a dark secret behind this world What lies behind the gates Of your city
Monsters they call..."Freaks" which tend to murder and kidnap residents of this city but...in reality are These monsters really the true monsters or...is it your civilization You may live in free reign in your simple Utopian metropolis
But..in reality your controlled by who? The High council. They run the city and in your view The world... Will you explore the outside and meet these so called...'Freaks'?

Or are you apart of these Tribes and wish to meet people from inside the gates. Who they call...Metro's

Find out how your story plays out in this wonderful Steam punk Based world

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