Wow okay. Eggs is one of my dearest friends and I care about her deeply. If I was using her for popularity it'd be fairly obvious. And, no, I'm not manipulative. I vent and people see. Gonna get upset over venting? I don't give a shit about some spotlight! I just draw and people like my art. I don't get why you hate me so much. I did what you asked and that could have been it but nooo. II said how I didn't want to change his design and how I would never get used to it and it's SuCh A bIg DeAl Oh My GoD I don't like something :0
you're calling me petty when I've gotten over this. and who cares about an ego? Pretty sure yours is bigger. You're still posting about it and managed to get some support. Saying I recruited friends and fans. They said what they said at their own will. You can't blame me for stuff I have no control over.