
I wonder what will happen if I touch the bars and hold for a long time. I know it will hurt but I'm just curious.

Well a lot of ppl can teleport on this app, so Rodger must have placed at least 100 or more guards around. He wouldn't leave the demons left alone. Rodger isn't really the type to risk leaving his prisoners unguarded. We will have to defeat them or convince them we r not intruders. If we even just teleport past them tho, they could actually be scattered around the whole dungeon.

However, it will be easy to get past the guards, because 1, I'm good at convincing, and 2, I'm the rough type, so I'm used to fighting and stuff. But if they r imortals, we'll have to Convince them we r innocent. Or maybe we could stun them with a tazer, or use a gas bomb. Or we could just simply destract them so we don't waste our resources.

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