
I’m making a comic drama

Season:1 Episode:1)
Mulvey:”Yo Venus!”
Venus:*Watches as he runs over to where she is standing*”Hey Mulvey. What’s up?”
Mulvey:*Places hood atop head to cover his dark brown curls*”We were gonna head out to the pool later wanna come?”
Venus:*Oh umm...”*Blushes remembering she has nothing to wear to a pool*”I don’t think I’ll make it I’m sorry”
Mulvey:*Blushes slightly at her response and digs his hands in his pocket before walking back to his friends*”Oh umm okay it’s fine..”*Once he’s back at his friends who had been waiting at the gate to the high school they start teasing him but he walks off ignoring them*
Venus:’hmmm odd’*She escapes from her thoughts and continues back down the sidewalk to her home*

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