✨A.J Birbs✨

Inside My Mind {VENT} [Inspired by ×K̷K̷𝚜𝚝𝚞𝚍𝚒𝚘𝚜× (stay alive♡)]

Bro... you ok..? I know your not but.. you could always talk to someone if you would want. I feel the same way but I just keep it inside. You don’t have to be perfect because nobody is perfect. You don’t need to be skinny because it’s on the inside that counts :) don’t hurt yourself or beat yourself up because of something. There are people out there and care about you I’m sure of it. I’m not really good at ‘pep talks’. Sorry if that was cheesy m(_ _)m just know that your not alone and that there are people that are going through the same thing :)

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