✨The weird artist ✨️

kris kreates krap.

Devil:When & how did u get here, doesn't matter
*puts huge portal underneath Josh's feet & closes*
...... keep looking


  kris kreates krap.

✨The weird artist ✨️

Josh: well, I see you have my decoder...? what did you guys se- *looks down* well thats unfortunate.

Parker: where did you send him- ...this one is odd. "Entry 8 - entitys. : I have successfully genetically created two living creatures. This experiment seems its gonna get a lot more... interesting." The heck- oh this ones right after. "Entry 9: all of them. their grip on their mortal plane is slowly fading, getting dark. darker. yet darker." so first he found out how to create a small living version of people... and tried to make a town with them? doesn't seem horrible... I think.

1 years ago   回复 (1)

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