kris kreates krap.

✨The weird artist ✨️

Parker: "Entry number 10: this is surely interesting... corruptions has struck upon them. the first two have handplates and the others... not." what the hell is a handplate- is it to mark his creations? what happened to the rest of them?! AAAAA-

Alex: *peaks through door* jeez- you guys good? not to mention that you both have been in here for quite a while...?

Parker: yeah, we're fine, thanks!

Alex: ...kay.


  ✨The weird artist ✨️

kris kreates krap.

Devil: maybe what has them keep going or something
We're good alex!! *shuffles papers*
Read 11 while I find the next ones
Oh found number 13!

1 years ago   Reply (1)

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