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Welcome to the gay side of animemaker
Also, my username was inspired by gayanimalsuwu

I don't care if y'all hate on me ;)

Moon (Me): Female, Lesbian, Loves sex and boobs, Crush is noone, Hates haters and fire, Poison elemental
Fang (Little brother of Moon): Male, Gay, Loves dicks and nature, Crush is Silver, Hates water, Fire elemental
Silver: Male, Gay, Loves Raspberries and sex, Crush is Fang, Hates Moon and haters, Earth elemental
Max (Moon's "Boyfriend"): Male, Straight, Loves having sex with Moon, Crush is Moon, Hates Moon trying to escape, Water elemental

Moon x Max (Max forced Moon to have a relationship with him, and Max shoves his dick up Moon's ass every time he comes to Moon's cell, which is about 13 times a day)
Fang x Silver (They love having sex with eachother, also Silver used to be a stalker of Fang and kept forcing Fang to have sex with him, Fang always loved sucking Silver's huge dick)

Max punishes Moon by having a servant of his make her suck his dick while Max shoves his dick up Moon's ass when she tries to escape

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