arthurjorgezpg (part of the porn police)

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Pfp by: Jordan

Welcome to my account, i hope you enjoy my random stuff :)


Arthur V2 (main oc): he is a 10 year old kid who has godlike powers, peapol call him a god, but some dont agree since he is a 10 year old and he cant remember how he got he's powers, and he is friends with arson and reball.

Arthur V1: he is the first model of Arthur, he is just a stickman without a mouth

Zari: he is half stickman half dragon, he came from a generic castle but he do not want to return cuz he does not like it.

Silinder: A girl that is the co-leader of the icy clan, and she was exploring the world until she got to animated world (my ocs's world more info about it on the bio somewhere) and cant return, arthur could teleport her back but she never telled him this for some reason

Ciza: a meme oc that keeps repeting trending memes all the time never talk but do have feelings duh, Silinder hates him she think he is annoying

I have some more ocs but i am lazy to put them here

Animated world: the world that irl Arthur created to make ocs come to life him and V2 control this world

Good Friends:
Coral and Mallory
Jordan (ig)
Redball...? (i am thinking of giving him another chance)
Ty for being to epik :)

That is all i have to put on my bio i guess

Put this in ur bio if u support LGBTQ+

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