Inactive search up Gothic in der Eck 2

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Wilkommen auf meiner Seite
das Alter: 13
Sexualität: pansexuell
Geschlecht: aender
Lieblingsbands: Rammstein und kmfdm
YouTube: Azazel hayden
TikTok: gothicgamers668
die Religion: theistischer Satanismus
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"Bacon is the best burger topping"- Gato Malo

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  Inactive search up Gothic i...

If i whas german

*holds up lenins book* wanna be a gay communist

1 years ago   Reply
  Inactive search up Gothic i...


amerika ist es auch nicht, deutschland wäre an dieser stelle besser für meine psychische gesundheit

1 years ago   Reply
  Inactive search up Gothic i...


ich bin nicht ganz deutsch ich kenne nur die sprache und liebe das land

1 years ago   Reply
  Inactive search up Gothic i...

Vladimir lennin please :)

1 years ago   Reply
  Inactive search up Gothic i...


Nein we pretty much try to avoid capitalism and pretty much say anything nazis do is fuckin stupid

1 years ago   Reply
  Inactive search up Gothic i...


Eh I'm a new age communist which does the exact opposite of what nazis do

1 years ago   Reply (1)
  Inactive search up Gothic i...


Well communism has changed alot since stains regine

1 years ago   Reply (1)
  Inactive search up Gothic i...


Yea and in the 30s LGBT wasn't as common as today and it's Russia sooooo

1 years ago   Reply (1)
  Inactive search up Gothic i...


Ah well I'm still a communist, also wasn't that the fuckin 30s in Russia isn't Russia known to be homophobic tho?

1 years ago   Reply (2)
  Inactive search up Gothic i...


Oh so I'm stupid just because I believe in a different political status than anarchism and conservativsm

1 years ago   Reply (1)
  Inactive search up Gothic i...


The iron cross was made in Prussia/kaierrich in 1813 to symbolize bravery and honor on the battle field

1 years ago   Reply
  Inactive search up Gothic i...


I'm pan and agender

1 years ago   Reply