celestial kitten

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Hello! Im celestial kitten.... thats it xD... desided to change this soo.... edit: ??? Lol
Tulpas (call them OC if you want)

*in order of creation*
Sliffer: brown haired neko. She is a strange one. She loves liquid pizza whitch is a mixture of: pizza,milk,fish,pancakes,pickles,and more pizza. Also she loves green liquid aka pickle juice

Pineapple: yellow haired neko. She is smart and more mature. But she also is very shy. She likes to sport and all that stuff

Raven: obviously (hopefully) based from the show Teen Titans (not TTG bc that stuff toxic) she is basically raven

Marceline: based of the marceline from adventure time

Koneko: based of the anime: Highschool DXD (please dont search it up)

Veggi: he is a chicken....... yeah.... a chicken

Dwagon: he is *as his name says) a dragon... the only thing is..... he is cross eyed

Celestial Kitten~
BTW: i tried changing my pfp multiple times but it didnt work so yeah.... no pfp ;-;

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