Lenny's stories🙂

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😊making an animation

Sorry I ate the info of this account for lunch, cool account tho🗿

I saved some of my leftovers for you, while I was eating the info for lunch tho. Here have the rest of the buffet with me

"This account tells the stories of my friends and families, we have a lot of funny, sad, dramatic stories to tell all you animemakers!! Stories will sometimes be changed for entertainment purposes! I got my art style and context type inspire by *drum roll* SMOKEEBEE(no, not the gay robot ship). So I didn't copy (ok maybe I did a little bit( BUT YEAH! Please, do not look at this account if you are under 8. I have some uhhh, uhhh, ummmm UHHHH... GIRL STUFF on this account. I like memes(no, I'm not gonna name every meme template, so don't shot me gru).
Btw hope you enjoyed the buffet. "

I'mma vomit after eating that

I can't draw glasses so I give myself Charlie Brown eyes

Yeah sometimes I forget to change the time emojis

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