
fuck you ( TW desc )

Honestly, I am incredibly proud. As someone who, got out early I guess is a good way to put it, seeing someone finally be able to put themselves first, idk it brings a smile to my face. I've known others who werent as able to get out and when their SO "got tired" of them, they were left lost. It'll suck for a long time, but nows really the chance to come out the other side better, truly be able to understand what you want not only in a relationship, but in yourself. thank you,


  • vander •


oh my god, solar, i remember you. nevermind about the vent right now, im so glad to see you again, i hope youre doing well ): ive really missed you, if you dont remember me because of my new name, i used to be ixu lupin, thank you for your words, im just more happy to know that you took a small visit down animemaker after quitting a year ago. youre one of my oldest friends on this app, and its really really good to see you again just one last time

9 months ago   Reply (1)

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