

Oh! Hello Italyball! I haven’t seen you in ages? Nice to see you again. How are you doing and how’s everything going out for you?? Are you doing well and is life treating you good out there? It’s a harsh out world out there for what I’m aware of, But you don’t need to apologize! You are all good and you don’t need to apologize 👍 (Oh! By the way I’m guessing you quite have a new identity now, Would you like me to call you Anty instead?)




If you have any info on dab like his new account or anything, or top, please let me know the account name so I can apologize to them as well.

5 months ago   返信


Like I said, I am very sorry that I did death threats to you because you didn't deserve it at all.
You never said anything rude to me even though I did all of that,
You never drew anything rude to me,
Instead, you just forgave me, which is the most someone could do to help.

Again, I'm very sorry, and I hope that we could be friends again in the future and just forget about the situation.

5 months ago   返信


Sorry for not responding.
Also I'm doing great and I'm kinda good at school also.
I feel like it's better for me to apologize instead of ignore the situation because I want you to know that I'm sorry, for hacking dab, for making death threats to you, and just everything I did in the past couple years.

Also you don't have to call me Anty, but you can if you want to

5 months ago   返信 (1)

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