Stardust~ alpha of moonlight howl (online)

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H.. hey... why are you here? O.. oh.. you want to know about Me? Well.. ok, if you say do..
Gender? Girl! ^^
sexuality? Bisexual or lesbian
Favorite food? Potatoes :p
Taken? Yes
Age? Y tho
Social media? Yo be creepy
Huricane Katrina? More like hurricane TORTILLA

That is all the QNA lol.

Stop saying I look like chicken little
Chasing the stars, living the dream.
Whoever threw that paper, yo mom's a ho!
2 bros chillin in a hot tub 5 feet apart cuz they're not gay
~☆end of quotes☆~

Stardust - main - lesbian - F- taken
Gemstone- strait- F- single
Crystal-lez -F- single
Charolette-strait-F- married
Veronica- strait- F-dating
Ada-bi- F- widowed
Fauna- lesbian- F- taken
Onyx- strait- M- married
Zerome- gay- M- forever alone
Rerome- pan- M- dating
Verdi- bi- trans- single
???- asexual- M- forgotten
Karper- bi- trans- single
And that's all!
☆☆•●please follow ^^●•☆☆


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