Ędd ( Le Soda fan ) || Ęll ( Le Soda Fan too ^^ )

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-Hello!Im edd
- Would you like some soda?
- Tom!stop being so rude!
- Hoi!~
Where’s my soda at?
Crush : None
Ell ( Female Edd )
- Hoi!~ I’m Ell
- I kind of have a crush on edd
- Thank you! Would you like some soda?~
- Hai!~
Crush : Edd ( In the opposite eddsworld YouTube video she had a crush on him )
Monster Edd / Ell
- ......... * Glitchy *
- шно шоке ме up? * In a demon / angel voice *
- неlp ме ....
_ ...... * Can’t speak *
Opposite Edd / Ell
- Ummm...No Soda , drinks , or anything bad
- Hey…
- Matt! Don’t threaten!!!
- Ow...I guess they don’t really like me....
Friends :
♡ Cruffle the kitty dog ♡
Star ( For .OW )
Bye!~ ^^
That’s all for now!!~~ ^^


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