•+Silver the Wolf+•

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I-I'm, I'm back!
Guys, it's me! Silver the wolf!
So, you might be thinking, WTF!?
But, it's really not that complicated.

So I accidentally logged out of my
original account, and then I lost
my password. That's all.
So yeah! It's me Silver! Hope
you all remember me. I've
been gone for, 1 year!
I've learned a L O T O F N E W T H I N G S.

~I'm now a teen animator!
~professional art style
~furry's knowledge
~IDK what else. XD
Fav song: Pusher (it's a meme)
Q & A ~
Q are u single
A ye
Q do u remember me?
A I might, just remind me!
Q are u too lazy to finish this Q&A?
A ye
Ok guys, that's all for now.
I mean, I just can't believe
I'm back! If u remember me,
Plz follow me!
Imma go check out my old-DEAD
Account now.


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