mheaps :3

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Hi guys it's macey :3
Mood:. Bored
Age: ???
Animatronic age: 17
Name: Macey
Real name: ???
Fav colour: black
Acsent: British
Fav film: coraline , nightmare before Christmas , corpse bride , the grimins, IT , how to train your dragon and suiside squad.
Fav TV show: corige the cowardly dog,the Simpsons, family guy, poppie the porformer, Rick and Morty and the ichie and scratchy show.

Likes: fnaf, Skylanders, horror, animation, dolls, action figures, skulls blood and memes.

Hates: other girls at my school, being with poeple, my sister, PINK, any bright colours, girly girls, ants and fortnight.

My friends at school : Robyn and Emma I don't talk to anyone else.

Friends out of school: baby , funtime foxy, balora, funtime freddy, molten freddy, lefty , helpy , happy frog, Mr hippo , nedbear , security puppet, mangle and everyone else ;3


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