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H-hi! I’m Aiko...

Where’s some things you should know about us...

Name: Aiko.

Age: 27

Self defence: Brass Knuckles.


Oh! I can Uhh....

I can use my geekiness to scare them off


About me:

I like watching cat videos...

And reading adventure books until 4:00 in the morning!

(That’s when Phillip yells at me to sleep >~<)

Other than that....I just like having a good time!

Oh! And I win the award for the most childish!

(I even surpassed my Brother, JR!)

Name: Philip

Age: 29



Asking kindly, and if that doesn’t work...

I beat them with my bat.


About me:

I may be a little cRaZy....but who isn’t, am I right?

Uhh....the bat doesn’t hurt unless I make it hurt, it’s plastic...

Sorta :/

And uhh....

I have a sense of humor...

Dark humor


Name: JR (stands for Jackson Rodriquez)

Age: 24

Specialty? Sternness.

Let’s say that.

About me:

I may be the youngest, but I am sorta the mature one..

I keep Phillip at bay, and my brother, Aiko, from hurting anybody with his randomness.

Also, I’m an inch taller, and a lot stronger (somehow)


Anddddddd That’s That!!

I hope you enjoy our company, and I also hope to become great friends!

See ya soon!

—Aiko, Phillip, and JR.

"What about us?"


Name: Red

Age: 20

Power: Being a weirdo. But also needles. Sometimes darts. Depends.
Also cats.


I like turtles.

And cat.

I like cat.

I also like to randomly blurt out stuff! I don't even know why theese people are my friends! :D

But I like to be the only girl. Sometimes I steal peoples glasses for no reason!

I am so HYPeRrrR

I don't drink!


Name: Jake

Age: 25

Thing: A weapon. Duh..

A friggin bow n arrow.


I am..Logical. Yeah. And uhm...I really have nothing to say..I like frappuccinos...And things. Doi.

But I also like teasing the two nerds, it's fun!

Also, Red stole my computer.

But I also test my bow, be aware

I was on medication for a while, I'm fine. I also like Jason Bourne!


--"Now we done"

~Red and Jake


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