The depressed child (AKA ash the demon)

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Favorite color(s):Black,red,white
Favorite band:none
Favorite game:halo
Likes:cookies,friends,playing around,drawing,animating,making YouTube videos,running in fields,the carnival,ramen,etc
Dislikes:being bullied,bullies,going to bed,cleaning up,my cookies being taken away,being scared,
Q&A time

Q: do you have a crush or boyfriend?
A: yes and yes
Q:are you a animal?
A:yes I'm a wolf
Q: are you annoyed at any time of this day?
A:I'm annoyed when you talk it's bullcrap
Q:are you gay?

hey You YoU bUlLY yOuR jUsT a PeRsOn WhO dOeSnT uNdERstAnd What OTheR pEoPlE aRe GoING tHrOuGh sO ThInK oF WhAt YoU jUSt DiD bE tHaNkFuL aNd KiNd yOu PiEcE oF cRaP


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