^^_The Bambries_^^

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Hello! We are the Bambries, I am Madison, The main animator/ part time idea person, and I am Aubrey The main Idea person/ part time animator.
Q&A for Aubrey
Is that your real name?
Yes. ( call meh Bri)
How did you guy meet:
How do you guys communicate ?
Phone numbers mostly, sometimes discord.
Are you bi/ gay?
Are you a human?
No. I am a animatronic
What’s your favourite food?
What’s your favourite color?
Tomboy or Girly?
depends on how I am feeling.
Are you single? I guess..

Q&A for Madison

Is that your real name?
Mhm! ( call me Pastel)
what’s your favorite color?
What’s your favourite food?
Are you gay?
No, I’m bi.
Are you writing this, while in a call? Yes, I do a lot of the work.
Who’s older?
Are you a human?
No I am an Alien Programed to animate.
Tomboy or Girly?
Are you single. Yeah.

We are The Bambries, and this is us!


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