Basically Baldi

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Hello, I am Baldi, If you need something or want to know about baldi , just ask me. OCS XxPrettyPrincess123xX, My Pet rock Fuzzbum. MY pet SPIDER, Red Tie McSpooderHat. Me, obviously, and last and not least (should have been XxPrettyPrincess123xX, then it would be least) My pet spiders brother, Nopey McSpooderHat.
That's all. Q n A.
The McSpooderHats.
Q Are you mad at Fuzzbum and his mom for taking THE ONE NAME you could've had?
A: Yes, we are. Nopey: Well kinda, Fuzzbums mom was pretty creative.

Q: Do you like being pets.

A:Yes, Yes, YES

To be continued...

Red Tie: You are desperate.

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