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Hi! It’s you average WEIRDO.
i wanna kill people and eat their insides. not innocent people, people who deserve it >:(
anyway, my name is cinnamon roll/cinnamon sugar but my oc’s name is Aliya so you can call me anyone of those :)
lemme educate you on sexuality because i have no talent.
ready? gO!
pansexual people don’t mind the gender, any gender, any sexuality, they’ll date them!
bisexual people only like two genders; male and female.
gay/lesbian/homosexuals like the opposite gender- non binary people? they like fellow non binary people, boys? hey like other boys. feelin me?
poly sexual people- DIFFERENT from polynamourous. it’s not to confusing trust me. poly people like more than to genders bUt not all of them. now, polynamourous people have a multi person couple with 3/4 people.
that’s all for today kiddo’s!


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