The Unloved Umbreon111 (Currently: Asleep or school)

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Oh boy!!!!!! Les start with QAA:3
Q: Do you try to upload?
A:I upload when I feel like it
Q:are you dead?
A:I’m gone for a forth of everyday
Q:You didn’t draw me
A:remind me on my most recent animation multiple times
A: Claire (but real name is Sophie)
A: 0.0
Q:boy or girl?
Q:r u my fren?
A: sure!!
Q:favorite color?
A:Umbreon/Claire-->turquoise | me --> light blue
Q:favorite food?
A: chili
Q: favorite animal?
A:not real: dragon real:dinosaur :3 STILL LIVING:bird
That's all for QAA
|next up friends|
2: adminz
Comment me to be my friend
|whatever is next|
Short description
Weewoo is see you. I’m a girl and gone for a forth of everyday. I don’t upload as much as some and I usually take time on what I do. I’m usually idle and forgetful so remind me if I said I would do something.
Do NOT worry about me! I’m not gonna die and I’m not gonna kms. He suicidal animations relieve stress

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