you can find my yt channel type in Lapiz Plays if you see any vids that are gacha and say "made by Lapiz Plays" you found my channel
i changed the channel name so the profile might not pop up right away
uhmm... before you find my channel (don't h8 me for it) im with a GiRl
like you shoudl rlly care tho
go to
__ 3
i'm derpy
i'm weird
i'm something out of this world
i'm funny
i'm a cAt!
about me...
oh lawd why... anyways
im shy
in a relationship
in a relationship with a girl
popularish at school
i get no homework >w<
im kawaii
im VERY weird
my favorite color is a light shade of blue-purple
have a main groupof 5 other friends in school
have alotta haters (for no reason)
has alot of secrets (that you'll never know)
is good at keeping secrets
hates pink
likes winter
has 3 siblings
hates shoes
i wont wear shoes -.-
only wears shoes at: school & stores
friends say im good at singing but i deny that
i... like... trains
i love my gf
my brothers are annoying
my parents are divorced
my ex is a dork
other ex's where boys that did my wrong which i was tired of it than i realized most boys are like that so i just decided to quit on boys