°^° The useless price of trash we all hate°^°

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I hate myself and I want to die but held on because of fairy tail the anime! Loads of quotes I like but my favorites are "dont die for them, live for them" and "I don't cry because im weak, I cry because I've been strong for to long" I make characters who seem to understand me because I made them do they should understand me! I hate my life, I should die, I want to die, give me a knife rn, I'm depressed, I'm called psycho and crazy, I'm called twisted and creepy, I like bloody creepy things, I'm bisexual, I'm a loser who needs to leave this place, I dont have many friends BECAUSE they left me and have turned against me, I JUST SUCK GET IT?! I have premonitions disassociation and dreams to where they effect my mental and physical health also I have OCD of worrying and making things neat. I drown myself from reality and stay in a phone book or anything that shuts my depressed ugly self out of the world. As you can see I bottle up my emotions and and fake a smile. Therapy and talking to people about this writing down on paper telling anyone does not help me! So now I live my life as a suicidal peice of crap that does not matter what so ever! *update* dating my crush SHE'S so nice!


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