Goten the annoying bitch ASS cunt

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Q & A
Q : why does goten have a fox design
Me : marco
Q : who is goten based on
Me : pit from kid icarus....sorta
Q : who is evil goten based on
Me : goten's negative emotions
Q : did you intend to make goten cute?
Me : not necessarily all tho he kinda does look cute. I'M STRAIGHT I PROMISE
Q : is goten gay?
Me : yes
Q : can I hug you *hugs*
Me : *hugs*
Q : why was goten so mean to marco?
Me : he gets nervous and stressed and it hurts him physically to the point he cuts himself
Q : can goten die?
Me : nope
Q : why is evil goten so stupid?
Evil goten : I AM NOT STUPID
me : depends on how you see him
Q : is goten getting married
Me : yup....I don't know how this happened but yup
Q : have a cookie and ten dollars
Me : thanks for the cookie and donation^^
(I'll update tomorrow morning^^')


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