❤️💛💚Amairichu and Friends💙💜💖

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Hmmm oh hello my kitty's I'm Amairichu but just call me amai for short I'm nice most of the time trying to make it to a lot of followers is my dream but don't do it I'm not saying u should do it go check out sunset wolf and Galaxy-chan. Ok oc people: Ramzey,Ohio,fang, crazy BoI, daisy,neon, glitch,masky, Ava, Luna,sunrise,nightmare,candy,foxia,kitty, night shadow,dark shadow,blue night, red night,daisy,nightmare, soul, and love. -\_(=_=)_/- PLEASE PUT SOME QUESTIONS CAUSE I WANT TO DO SOME DARES OR QUESTIONS and my roblox account is: amaisaikouchan123 and my hobbies are Drawing,stargazing,thinking,reading,be alone,and sleeping and I do this but I don't know what to draw and I love laurenZside,Yammyxox,Jaiden animations, theodd1sout, Letmeexplain studios and SUNSET WOLF IS SO AMAZING yay my favorite animals are dog,cat,bunny,ginnypigs,hamsters,pigs,and wolfs my favorite color is the color neon I like it but I'm a shy person my oc loves Oscar but keeping it a secret cause she doesn't know if he likes her back No bulling plz. If u hate my anime deal with it. I love Fnaf, doki doki, undertale, tattletale, and MEMES. I don't care if I'm bad at drawing it keeps me happy and relaxed

And Galaxy-chan and sunset wolf are awesome and I love cute things so if u draw stuff cute I will follow and idk have fun welli hope I see u again



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