Cømęt””çhëçkërbøärđ””mįńty””gäläxy fluff””

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I GeT OfF thE sTagE anD drOP tHe mIc, I Go up To the thEsE hoT cHicks AN i aM aLl lIke SuP laDIES, my NaMe slYm ShAdey I aM the LeAd singer aT d-12 bABy
Sup my art sucks but I draw any ways c;
Galaxy luff : single
Minty kitty ( minty ) : single
Comet / boi das me \ : single
Checkerboard : single
Hey person! I don’t really care if you are reading this or not but...
any way! My at suck cause I can’t draw with my finger :,v


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