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Joined : 1st may2019
I am turning 10 in October 6
I am young
I swear and I'm only 9
I suck at art, and in general
Phrase of the month:
LoL XD pro gamer
Here are my things
An OC based off me
Name 🌟Waffle { main }
Fav colour 🌟Blue and purple
Fav movie🌟Spider-Man into the spiderverse
Species🌟Dog; Corgi
Age ( doggie years ) 🌟5-6 months
Likes🌟stealing food, tummy rubs, being cute, wearing a bread suit every hallowe'en, and eating his toys
Dislikes🌟When she gets teased, other doggo's besides her brother doggo, thunder, strong wind

Little traumatic story here🌟
Waffle was a stray pupper
She was walking on the streets day and night begging for atleast a crumb of bread
It started to rain. It was fine because waffle had something to drink. Then the wind came in. Waffles small little body fell over due to her being so light because of malnourishment.
So she seeked more shelter to stay under. She travelled and travelled, and travelled until she heard.....

some thunder had just came along, making waffles ears ring.
She cried and whimpered.
She cried until..
In the morning
The rain had dried out..
She was bleeding..
Almost blind...

She had been struck by lightning an inch away from her head..
If she got hit, she would've died..
Luckily a man was sitting in the bus shelter right when in happened.
He had picked her up and darted over to the vet's and saved her in time..
How lucky is she?

Luckily waffle is only a little bit brain damaged.


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