💦🌟Shiny Vaporeon🌟💦

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I'm shiny Vaporeon for now...might change back-changing to black and white vapreon...sometimes normal Vapreon
Drawing request: open for all
Hello everyone! I'm Vaporeon or Vapor and I luv drawing and Pokemon especially eevee evolution. I
I'm off and on so I'm coping Shock lightings way to tell my followers and viewers if I'm on or off
Online and offline
Taking a week break ✓
Not coming back
Don't care right now ✓
Name: Vapor but you can call me Vaporeon
Statues: dead__________________flat line
Gender: female
Type: water Eevee
Crush:,- why do I bother
Gf/Bf/: nun >:3 I'm single Pringle
Husband: nun as well
Ex's: ⚡Swift the Jolteon⚡ Leafeon (if you can let me back i be with U again!)
How many times dumped: 2 times 🗑️
Friends: Umbreon, Pastel Vapor, Slyveon, Eevee, Espeon, Flareon
Trainer: Lucas.C.Platuim
Likes: 🍪cookies🍪 and 🐠FISHIE WISHIES!🐠 Also my besties
DO check out🔮 Espeon🔮, Eevee and 💧💦 Corrupted Vaporeon💦💧🌕 Umbreon🌕 Pastel Vapor, 🎀 Slyveon🎀 they are amazing drawers!
More Friendz :3 : Currupted Vaporeon, Slyveon, Pastel Vapor, Espeon, Umbreon, Eevee 💕
When I post:
I try to do a post every three days at least :3
And note for Swift the Jolteon LeAvE mE aLoNe
_______________________-vapreon died


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