❤️ Annie ❤️

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Hey everyone, as you know I kinda quit this account for a while, I was getting kinda bullied by a person and after I tried to tell them to leave me alone they finally did. I went through a bad depressive state of mind for a while after escaping a toxic ex, but because I left this ex I lost my best friend with it. Just showed her true colors right then and there. I shattered my phone, that was great. And I started dating the love of my life, he’s an amazing guy, even through super tough times in our relationship we’ve stuck together. I love him a lot. Anyways, so I’m back now and I’ll be on this account sometimes, I have another account which is on my new phone and can’t remember the password to this one so I’m just on here on my moms phone. Welp, here’s some info about me
Info about me:
Name: Anij / Sally
Nickname(s): Kittygirl, KG, Annie
Age(B): 14
Age(L): 1-2
That’s really it. Now you’re probably wondering why there are two ages.
Well I’m a little, I use age regression as a coping mechanism to help with depression and trauma. I practically revert to a mindset of a 1 or 2 year old, I use pacifiers, stuffies, I watch little kid shows and play with little toys while in little space. I have a caregiver, which is my boyfriend. When I turn little he cares for me, I do call him Daddy but it is not a sexual thing. I do not support DDLG, MIK, or anything NSFW about little space. I will report and block anyone who tries to make it a kink, I will make a DNI soon enough. And before everyone goes around saying “Oh I’ll be little it’s just acting like a little kid” that’s not how it works. You need to do your research, find a way to slip in, and have support about it. If your parents do not support you being a age regresser please come to me and I will support you no matter what. You’re not alone!
I am also a Caregiver, I call myself a switch. My boyfriend is also a switch. He is my little and he does call me Mommy.
Now I will put some info about little me and more info about age regression and all that
Name: Annie
Age: 1-2
Caregiver/Daddy: Boyfriend
Pacis: Yes, I have 6 atm
Diapers: No for me
Sippy/Bottle: Yes for both
Stuffies: Yes!!
Favorite Little Show: MLP!!
Why: PTSD, Depression, Anxiety.
About Age Regression...
Age regression occurs when you mentally retreat to an earlier age. In all ways, you believe you're back at that point in your life, and you may exhibit childish behaviors, too. Some people choose to revert to a younger age. In this case, it can be a coping mechanism to help them relax and eliminate stress.
More info:
So in simple words, age regression is when you go back to a certain age that brought you joy, you can act like a child in this space, sometimes you can choose to slip into little space but on other times it can also come by surprise.
If you do research on other apps, you will probably see littles who have pacis, toys, baby bottles / sippy cups, diapers, etc. YOU DO NOT NEED THOSE THINGS TO BE A LITTLE!!!!
You can be a little without those things!! For a sippy cup, there are videos on how to make one with a jelly jar, for a paci you can just suck on your thumb, there are also ways to hide the fact you are sucking on your thumb by only sucking on the tip, it makes it look like you are just chewing on your nail.
You do NOT need a caregiver to be a little, though it is much easier with a caregiver. Now this caregiver can be platonic or romantic, but you need to make sure with them that they know everything and they are okay with the job!
Info about DDLG:
This is a kink. It is where adults go into “little space” but their lover, gets to play with them. It is NOT age regression. If ANYONE tells you that they are lying.
What MIK means:
MIK stands for “Minor In Kink”, it is when someone under the age of 18 is in DDLG, it is gross and should not be a thing.
What DNI means:
DNI stands for “Do Not Interact”, which is me saying if you like this or are in that then do not try to talk or follow me.
Being A Caregiver:
Being a caregiver is a lot of work, you have to be mentally prepared for having a little, they will be bratty but do not hit them unless they have given you permission to when not in LS. Do not punish your little physically unless they have said you can
If they have given you permission do NOT physically punish them hard, they will stop trusting you. If a little has not giving you permission to physically punish them DO NOT do it. Epically if they have PTSD from abuse, you will hurt them mentally and they will stop trusting you and may even cut contact with you all together.
DNI if:
You are sexist
Are Racist
Are Against The LGBTQ Group
Are a MIK
Support / Are DDLG
Think Age Regression Is A Kink
You Flirt With Me
Wanna Be My Caregiver
Wanna Be My Little
That’s it for now. I’ll be making post on how to take care of a little, good things for littles, all that stuff
I will also be making vents, I will put trigger warnings incase it’s too much for littles and for people who get triggered easily like me. Thank you, bye for now


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