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Hey. I love creating banana memes. If you have an idea for one, comment on one of my memes and tell me your idea. Of course I’ll draw it for you! I can’t say I’m good at art, but I enjoy it anyway. My Roblox username is, indeed, BananaTheTerrrible (idk what my obsession with bananas is) and my Hopscotch username is PressToContinue. So, yea... if you have ideas or requests, let me know, and when I make them I’ll be sure to give credit. I used to have an account here, but that was ages ago, and idk what it was called... so, yea... oh, by the way, I LOVE comments, either pointing out what I’ve done well, or telling me how to improve... one more thing, if you do like or comment on me, of course I’ll check out your profile! So, thanks for reading this far... and, see you!


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