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my irl name is Jenna, no it's not short for anything don't ask
o shit I'm 14. Bday is November 27th
some things i do-
vent, q&a, maybe dares idk, random drawings and shit
I'm single, duh, no one likes me lmao
but I am bisexual
I got brokenhearted many times so ig I'm scared of love
and uhm. idfk anymore
I live with my grandparents because my father died in a car crash and my mom is mentally fucking insane and I hate her
so yeah
that's me ig
i don't really do friends, mainly because they always end up being fake so yeah...
I'm also depressed as fuck so if I vent the shit outta this app im sorry
my life is just shitty as hell
i guess im not really in any fandoms except countryhumans but even then I don't rp with them and stuff
i suppose I have a few friends on here, but I'm worried they'll think I'm clingy or something...idk
ehhh, I'm working on a YouTube channel and i have a crush ig
my favorite song is death of a bachelor by P!ATD
my favorite drink has to be fruit punch Snapple (its fucking considered tea ik)
my favorite foods are macaroons
I'm obsessed with ASMR...I watch that fucking shit daily


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