Depressed Sleepy bunnie

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Information for bunnie

Age: 8

Birthday: March 8 2010

Born: hmm...idk..I think 100000000000000000

Gender:girl of course!


Last name:Gallegos


State: Canada

Favourite food: spaghetti! (Without meatballs)

Favourite dessert: ice cream

Favourite color: blue and pink!

Friends:mangle,Aqua,stormy,Tina,and rice

crush: I'm alone ;-;

How many more questions: THATS ENOUGH

YouTube: Melanie Martinez fan

Roblox: manglethepurplefox

Friends roblox: THATGUY_JAY nune ;-;

AJ: nune ;^;

Bye my sleepy bunnies!

Information for kookie |
\ /

Age: 11

Name: MaKayla

Birth Date: Dec.-30-2005

Gender: female

Fav food: lo-mein (with out veggies)

State: Texas

Friends: aaaallllloooottttt!!!!!

Love: ...(forever alone ٩(๑ᵒ̴̶̷͈᷄ᗨᵒ̴̶̷͈᷅)و)....

Fav color: pastel pink

And that's it for now


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