Kit kitty

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I'm not really good at drawing and making animations just pls follow me
(-v-) (owo) (?.?)
Gender: female
Fav color(s): navy,blue,white,red,orange,black,yellow.
Fave videos/games: a hat in time, splatoon 2, Tokyo mirage sessions, shinobu VR project, beat saber.
Thanks for the people that have followed me
B day: Jan 3
My talent: art, music(only a bit), gaming, splatoon glitches.
OwO :3
I’m trying to reach 💯 followers! If yes? I’d be so happy!
Please comment on each anime you don’t have to, but I’m just saying!
It’s supperrrr easy to make emojis with out using the real one’s! For example:
(-.-) (owo) >:3 :3 <:( >:( ovo see? Easy just read this already and then boom done! Allllways good and handy... anyways hope you enjoy (my new fwend is august tho... :3 pls follow her)


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