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friends:pikachu Latias Mew Shaymin. evolves from:eevee

True love:Pikachu😌

Duggs quote: You say cats are better but just wait to see how cute dogs are! ((Awww))
Fluffy the eevees quote:”you left me rockruff.. I told you I didn’t mind..” fluffy the eevee:Straight fluffiest eevee you can ship to like her but she will say no unless your a zoura. KIND funny can be rude(; to Bully’s)

Dugg—Male dog has wings coming out butthole type of dog:Pomskee (husky Pomeranian) and Floppy eared dog.

now playing:I’m bored from animemaker by me.
◄◄⠀▐▐ ⠀►►⠀⠀ ⠀ 1:30—-2:30

I’m non-binary so shut the hell up U^U

Hi there friend))

ANGy:Non—binary trainer Drinks milk half cat likes cats sleeps like a cat purrs like a cat Kind sweet loving Lazy like a cat End

you made it this far.. for my secret:I.... pretend to love myself..

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