Canelo The Loner

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Hey Canelo here and I am not new to this app I was actually on this app for almost 4 years or 2 I don't remember and so I didnt post much I just used this app to practice my animation skills!

Name: Canelo
Favorite Color: Black and gray
Favorite food: Nothing
Favorite Place: The park
Dislikes: Hate, bullies, Tracers, Copycats, being watched, And over pressured
Likes: To cover her face, making friends, talking, and walking along the park
Crush: N/A
Sexuality: Bisexual
Age: 14
B-day: July 21st
Zodiac sign: Cancer


Name: Cloud
Favorite Color: Orange
Favorite food: Mice
Favorite Place: A Cave
Dislikes: Attention, Being told what to do, people trying to touch his wings
Likes: To watch the sunset, hanging out with loved ones, fly around
Crush: N/A
Sexuality: Straight
Gender: Male
Age: 19
B-day: November 8
Zodiac sign: Libra


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