🏳️‍🌈Zen the Gamer🏳️‍🌈 (LGBTQ+

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Name: Zen
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Girlfriend:None 😢
What I do for a living: editing and making Gacha videos
Pets: two dogs (1 English mastiff 1mini Australian Shepard)
State: Louisiana
Drink preferences: water and unsweet tea
Favorite color: black and red
Ex girlfriend: Tawny Rain Sons
Anime I like: one punch man, death note, seven deadly sins, my hero acedamia, assassination classroom, Oran host club, little witch academy, black butler, sword art online, sword art online 2
Bands I like: AJR
Yes I am a Girl, I absolutely HATE needles, homophobes, myself, bullies, tomatoes, and spiders. I have depression and I love black, Gacha Life, editing, drawing, painting, Minecraft, my English Mastiff, my followers😁, adventure time, and math.....don’t hate on me bc I like math 😑.
And yes I do like girls! if you don’t like who I am then that’s your opinion so I will not care if you hate me I will be ok, please follow me I also have an animal Jam account my user name is GameMaster0115 no not because I believe in the “Game Master” it’s because I like games and I am good at a TON of classic games I love horror games and yes that means I like Call Of Duty and Five Nights At Freddy’s. If you have made it to this far then please follow me if you really want to know more about me, and no I’m not desperate for attention it’s because I don’t know a lot of people and I just need all the support I can get right now because I’m in a terrible position in my life right now and I just want to know I’m loved by some people.


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