Krazy kreator

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Name: Crystal (cringe reveal)
Age:12(I feel so young)
Crush: still not telling (cuz privacy)
Country: Brittan (police actually forced us back!!! No kidding)
B-day: 29 of February 2008 (leap year so I'm actually 2 Haha)
I really want to be an animator so this app helps a lot. I'm very sensitive and cry quite quickly

Favourite anime: hetalia
Worst anime: detective conan

Favourite animators: call me eggs, yazi tv and miner master, cube, starlight
No haters allowed
How do you add emojis cuz I cant :^(
Caring and supportive people only

My character profile (the one that said happy):
Name: Avana
Likes: a new anime that will come soon!
Hobbie: YouTube (pls dont really check its fake)

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