Springy Sweet

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Hello im Springy Sweet i love a lot of things not a lot of things :3 okay NOW just gonna do just the A & Q ok lets get starded ;3
Q: What animal do you like?
A: Foxes,Wolf,Cats,Puppies ;-;i think thats all
A: Mayde.......;3
Q: Can you draw me?
A: idn decause im doing hard work For My anime and My vid- uhhhhhh nothing......and my vwt 0.0(idn whats its mean vwt) XD ok
Q: Ho do you ship XD
A: GoldieFreddy xSpringtrap chica x foxy chica x bonnie freddy x bonnie freddy x chica bonnie x foxy puppet x GoldieFreddy mangle x foxy mangle x freddy Tchica x Tfredddy Tbonnie x Tchica GoldieFreddy x bonica Nightmare x faldear Nightmare mangle x Tbonnie ballonboy x ballongirl springtrap x mangle springtrap x Tchica Springtrap x chica mangle x Tfreddy purple bonnie x purple freddy Baby x ender Ballora x Ender Funtimefoxy x Funtimefreddy Funtimefreedy x Baby purple guy x springtrap GoldieFreddy x mangle GoldieFreddy x Tchica nightmarefreddy x Nightmarechica nightmarefreddy x nightmarebonnie Nightmarechica x nightmarebonnie Toygodiefredddy x GoldieFreddy Toygodiefredddy x mangle Toygodiefredddy x springtrap
Q: Do you love someone?
A: uhhhhh.....0///0no-o wh-y......
Q: How old are you?
A: lets just said IM 100!!!YEARS OLD BABY0////0.........Jk im just.......lets said im 21;3years old JK WHY WOULD A 21!!! YEARS OLD ITS PLAYING THIS GAME0////0......again.....i....did it......okay lets said NOW For real that.......im.......12years old :3 okay :3
Q: How old its your OC Is?
A: okay okay just Wait ok DONT de sad i will awnser it okay just Wait just WAIT Jk im not mad This Is the point OC means your main look ok thats all :3 you guys are saying why are you telling me this i alredy NOW whats OC means " its decause some DONT NOW ok :3 okay My "How old its your OC Is?"the awnser its she Is 18 X3 ok
Q: Whats your favorite Dring :3
A: SCHOCOLATEMILKSHAKE BABY ITS MY FAVORITO.....okay....that....was.....a......act.....X3
Q: Whats your favorite Food :3
A: okay Wait This Is weard......you ask me first My favorite dring,and NOW My favorite food?.....OMG.....idn....^.^okay i will tell it....JUST MAKE MY FAVORITE DRING AND MY FAVORITE FOOD okay.....im not made....okay....im just weard....okay NOW lets get in the awnser My favorite food Is Waffles 4 life <3
Q: Whats your favorite Songs?
A:OMG its a lot X3 okay lets GO but this My favorite ones <3 Juju on that beat Wonderland Fire to da rain X3 uhhh....just lets GO to the nother GUESTION because its long X3 okay.....plz im sworry
Q:What personality are you?
A: okay its nice Sweet you get it? My mane its Springy Sweet,and im SweetX3 get it OR not X3 cutYPIE X3 Cute
Q: Can i draw you?
A: OMG FINALLY SOMEONE ASK <3 thxS!!! YES!! You can draw me!!! I whant to see your Awnsome art work of ME!!!!THX YOU I WAS WAITHING SO LONG.....it was not long X3
Q: What do you like/OR/love more?
A: i love to do anime and do a lot of vwt too <3I love doing ship a lot X3okay this i love some DRAMA Yeah you Heard me i need some drama okay this its What i need i need some drama in My anime if you DONT do some drama in My anime i will make one like this "I NEED SOME DRAMA....plz?...."lolX3I love doing art contest X3
Q:Can we de friends whith you?
A: Barling you can....Well you needed to ask me ;-;okay:3
Q: What it's your favorite games?
A: Roblox,animal jam,Pixelgun3d,AnimeMaker,animemakerPro,BattleCats,Clash-o-royale,i think that's all okay :3
Q: Do you say #%$¥?
A: OMG no why?why WOULD i say that?:(.....
Q: Wen do you starded AnimeMaker?
A: at 02/17/2017:3


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