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Hi, I'm ՏԹʍ kՐɿՏԡԹʅ ( Sam kristian) and I like turtles cuz that fat as
Crush:my boyfriend wh o died
Senpai:idk I never removed this so my boyfriend who died
Lover: Lol my boyfriend sis he died
Kids: UwU community
Loves: ?
╔══╗╔╗ β™₯
β•”β•β•šβ•—β•‘β•šβ•£β•‘β•‘β•‘β•‘β•”β•£ YOUβ™₯
~Kiara was here~
I’m a slut I cheated on my boi 12 times
I hate life it fucking sucks
I’m obsessed over UwU community
I’m lesbian u should ducking know that

Offline 🀫
Making a ani
Fighting someone in the comments
Crying over animemaker
because people are flirting with my dead boyfriend
I’m never online

Fortnite sucks, A OPINIO

I'm skinny, have short hair, and Puerto Rican as but for some reason white.

I have a dog named Bella that on 3/1/2020 barked at the neighbor's blind dog meanwhile the dog sniffed her, Bella is a Chihuahua.

I get myself into drama way too much.


I'm lesbian

I'm 9

My pronouns are what are they?

Gender is fenake though I draw female animals a lot

I'm vold in a milisecond.

How did I get here? Oh right, 8 year old me tried finding art apps and got myself here.

I'm probably a OG, not as far as 2012 but I would call myself a OG because I'm still playing since years

I'm lesbian

I ate my friend's cousin, RIP Ronald, he was a good rat to our world

Update on Ronald: My friend told me Ronald was actually and abused his wife so he wasn't a good rat to this world and he deserved to die.

Bullying? Think you're so gonorrhea? -The girl you just called gay?... She is on gay -The girl you just called chlamydia?... She spends hours putting shrek on hoping that people will like her. -The boy you just sans undertale?... He is vored enough at home. -See that man with the fingers?... He fought for his fingers. -That guy you just made fun of for fapping?... His mother is dying. That kid you just made fun of for being garfield?...He has jon." -Put this as your about if your against bullying.


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