Alec. the idiot who made his brother kill himself. and the idiot who is going to kill himself (probably dead by now)

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yeah.. well honestly.. i regret being such a dickhead to my brother.
i wish i could tell him im sorry.. and i loved him. and also that he is a nerd. but- jeese. what the fuck did i do??


Jesus Christ. everytime i beat him up.. ill be honest- i would cry the whole night..

damn.. you know what, the reason i did this to him is because. well dad used to abuse me as well. and i get angry and take it on my brother..
i can't believe he lived with that for like what? 12, 11 years? damn. welp---

imma get my life over with aswell. i know that nobody can forgive me anyways. damnit.- welp. bye to the nobody that cares about me.. ;-;


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