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Matching pfps with: 𝔖ø𝓻𝓻Ø𝚠!! (She's SO awesome, follow her!!)
✍️Joined: June 12th 2020✍️ (ACC INACTIVE💀)
People YOU MUST FOLLOW:😦✨💗(there are lots of other talented artists on this platform!)
(Follow them if you haven’t already 👿🔪)

🎂birthday: August 12th (8.12)🎂
🎂OC B-day(SakuraSushi): August 20th (8.20)🎂

✨Main OC Reference Sheet Link:
✨Mascot OCs (characters that could be counted as this account’s representatives): Donut, SakuraSushi


576 Following     474 Follower