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Hello! You follow me I follow you.
The floating hands areine bc they detached so ye.
Name: Shy
Age: Shy (jk 13)
Gender: male
Sexuality: bi
My cousin is littlebitoflime, so follow her! Waffles are just- 👌👌👌👌
Have good day now
Or as us Russians would say:
хорошего дня
Oh wait almost forgot-
Name: Jake
Species: Angel
Age: 150 (in angle years) 15 (in hooman years)
Gender: male
Sexuality: gay
Crush:(ha! No.)
Name: terror
Species: sleep paralysis demon
Age: 17 in hooman years
Sexuality: bisexual

Why are you people so amazing? I know why, cuz u not me :') adios

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