That one anime antagonist

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hey if you want me to draw you or your OC uh I can but I suck at drawing animals and landscapes and everything so dhhrhshahdbdh and it’s no longer pride month my children but hahaha I’m lesbian still πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆπŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆπŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ also my zodiac is ♋️ and vanilla coffee is awesome ahhahah have a nice day and happy birthday if it’s your birthday! So a lil but more...
My name sucks
My birthday is non existent
My age......why do you wanna know?!?
And I have like the best friends in the world and universe like they are so sweet and basically the greatest but most importantly is that I love you all ❀️


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