Coco the dumbass (kill me)

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Gender: I’m a girl, thanks
Pfp by Rex da killer dogo (follow him NOWwwW)
My besties/crushes
Rex the killer dogo (bf)
Your local icee
Kira the mythical creature (I am just getting to know her)

U think u can defeat fuzzy?! Think again
If u want me to draw u your lucky if I do draw u
Ok ok I’m not trying to be rude
Who wants to give Dwayne the Dino a hug? :D
And of ya kiz meh outta nowhere I might like it lol :/

Scruffy (younger brother)
Purple guy (older brother)

If ur one of my close friends call me alpha pig ÙwÚ
Rex is mah bf, no mess with him >:(
Nice try to get me to break up with rex u idiot TvT

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