Toby (lil cute fuzz)

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My name is toby.. I-i like to roll in snow.
A-and im not a brave p-pup.. But..
I-i am a mighty wolfdog!

Brothers and sisters: Sam,dimitri.
Friends: Kibblet, spade, nightimefoxy
Best friend: ? ? ?

Some Qs and As about lil meh :3

Q. Whats your favourite season?
A. Winter :o
Q.Do you like cats
A. I guess.. My friend is one .
Q. Do you like someone??
A. (////) *Blushes* nuuu...
Q.Are you sensitive?
A. Y-yus (° - °)
Q. Can you rap?
A. Y-yes ^
Q. What is your soul?
A. Green...( represents kindness)
Q. What is your weakness?
A. When people say something mean..
I panick and then i burst out crying.
Q. Do you think humans are horrible?
A. Yes... They are killing wildlife ...
Q.What is your favourite food?
A. Uhhh.. Cow i guess?
Q. How good and bad are you?
A. 70 good and 30 percent bad.(i think)
Q. Are you a saint or a sinner?
A. Im a sinner. I believe in god ^-^
Q. Are you a scared all the time?
A. Yes... To admit it.. Not everything but most things.
Q.What is your spirit animal?
A. Im afraid i cant answer that.
Q. Which are you most active in?
A. Late night.
Q. How old are you?
A. 17 I suck at drawing

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