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Your skin isn't paper 📃🚫
Don't cut it ✂️🚫
Your face isn't a mask 🎭🚫
Don't hide it 💄🚫
Your size isn't a book 📚🚫
Don't judge it 🙅🏻‍♀️🚫
Your life isn't a movie 🎥🚫
Don't. End. It.... 🔫🚫❌🚫
You guys are the....
peanut to my butter 🥜
Water to my ocean 💧🌊
Glaze on my donut 🍩
Twinkle in my eye 👁✨
Blue in the sky 🔵🌌
Cherry to my sundae 🍒🍨
Flip to my flop polf ym ot pilf
Milk to my cookie 🍪🥛
Sweet to my dreams 🍭 🛌
And the half of my heart 💔
Repost this if you love
your followers. 💗

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5 フォロー中     5 フォロワー